
1.大连海洋大学海洋与土木工程学院, 辽宁 大连 116023 ; 2.大连海洋大学设施渔业教育部重点实验室, 辽宁 大连 116023 ; 3.国家海洋环境监测中心, 辽宁 大连 116023







辽宁省教育厅高等学校基本科研项目(LJKMZ20221116); 大连市科技创新基金项目(2021JJ12GX029); 辽宁省科技计划联合基金项目(2023BSBA004)

Hydrodynamic performance of a semi-submersible aquaculture platform during wet towing transportation

1.College of Ocean and Civil Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023 , China ; 2.Key Laboratory of Environment Controlled Aquaculture, Ministry of Education, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023 , China ; 3.National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian 116023 , China

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    为提高深远海浮式网箱平台湿拖运输的安全性, 基于三维势流理论和莫里森方程建立半潜式网箱平台拖航过程水动力数值模型, 分析有效波高、浪向角、拖航速度、拖缆长度和系缆点位置对网箱平台运动响应及拖缆张力的影响。结果表明, 有效波高由1.25 m增加至4.00 m时, 网箱平台垂荡加速度和纵摇角分别提高293%和750%, 拖缆张力增加 358%; 顺浪拖航时网箱平台的纵摇响应比顶浪时更为剧烈, 但拖缆张力有所减小; 拖航速度由 2.0 kn 增加至5.0 kn时, 垂荡加速度降低56%, 拖缆张力提高112%; 拖缆长度增加3倍时, 纵摇角减小43%, 拖缆张力降低31%; 拖缆点位置对纵摇运动影响较大。根据本研究结果, 建议实际工程中, 网箱平台拖航最高海况限制为4级, 拖航速度不超过5.0 kn, 避免顺浪拖航, 宜采用偏顶浪拖航, 通过适当增大拖缆长度来提高拖航稳定性。


    As marine aquaculture expands from coastal regions to the deep seas, large-scale semi-submersible aquaculture platforms have become the primary engineering equipment in recent years because of their high stability and ease of installation. To reduce the difficulty of offshore construction, these platforms are typically installed on land and towed to the operating areas by tugboats. However, owing to the high center of gravity of the platform, there is a risk of capsizing during long-distance towing. In this study, a numerical analysis model was developed to assess the hydrodynamic performance of an aquaculture platform, including its frame and net, during wet-towing transportation. For a large-scale frame, including pontoons and columns, a three-dimensional potential flow theory was applied to solve the diffraction and radiation problems. For the thin net, a semi-empirical Morison equation was used to calculate the wave loads and a mesh group method was implemented to decrease the computational cost and time. The motion equation was solved in the time domain using the impulsive response function method, and analysis of nonlinear catenary towline was performed using the lumped-mass method. This model examines the impact of significant wave height, wave direction, towing speed, towline length, and mooring point position on the motion response and towline tension of a semi-submersible aquaculture platform. The results indicate that as the significant wave height rises from 1.25 m to 4.00 m, the heave acceleration and pitch angle of the aquaculture platform increase by 293% and 750%, respectively, whereas the towline tension increases by 358%. The aquaculture platform experienced more severe pitch motion in the following waves than in the head waves although the towline tension decreased. Furthermore, increasing the towing speed from 2.0 kn to 5.0 kn leads to a 56% reduction in heave acceleration and an 112% increase in towline tension. Tripling the towline length results in a 43% decrease in the pitch angle and 31% decrease in the towline tension. The height of the towing point has a significant impact on the pitch motion. For practical engineering applications, it is recommended to limit the maximum sea condition for towing aquaculture platforms to level 4, keep the towing speed below 5.0 kn, avoid towing in following waves, and instead opt for quarter head waves. Additionally, appropriately increasing the tow line length can improve the towing stability.


LIU Changfeng, ZHANG Yu, XIN Yu, YIN Jing, CHEN Changping, HAO Jian. Hydrodynamic performance of a semi-submersible aquaculture platform during wet towing transportation[J]. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China,2024,31(10):1151-1162

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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-26
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-02
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