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    对淮河橄榄蛏蚌(Solenaia oleivora Heude)繁殖类型和性腺发育特征进行了系统的研究。结果表明,橄榄蛏蚌为短期孵育型,繁殖期从3月至6月初,3—5月为繁殖高峰期,发现的最小怀幼雌蚌为2+龄;雌蚌内外2对鳃丝均可作为育儿囊,属于外鳃类的四生型,一次怀幼数量在134.9万~402.1万只。以雌蚌怀幼为第一判断标准,并结合卵巢组织切片,确认中国橄榄蛏蚌为一个繁殖周期内多次排卵繁殖类型。雌雄生长未见显著差异。橄榄蛏蚌性腺发育可分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期及休止期5个时期,卵巢和精巢发育基本同步。组织切片和扫描电镜均显示,卵母细胞通过直径约5μm的卵柄与滤泡壁相连;早期卵母细胞(直径小于17 μm)表面无细胞膜,而后期卵母细胞(约40 μm)表面出现明显的卵黄膜。橄榄蛏蚌精子为鞭毛型,头颈部呈子弹头形,最宽约2 μm;受精卵表面存在明显的卵膜孔,直径约1 μm,表明精子不能通过卵膜孔全部进入卵母细胞而受精。本研究成果为实现橄榄蛏蚌的人工繁育及利用奠定了科学基础,并为其他珍稀濒危蚌类的繁育保护提供借鉴。


    We systematically studied the reproductive characteristics and gonadal development of the threatened freshwater mussel Solenaia oleivora from the Huaihe River. This species is not only threatened, but it also holds important economic value in China. The results indicate that this mussel has a short-term incubation and spawns from March to early June, peaking from March to May. The youngest gravid female investigated was 2 years old. During the reproductive period, the female oocytes mature rapidly and release several times in one reproductive cycle. The inner and outer gills of the female could be utilized as the marsupia for fertilized egg incubation, which belongs to Tetragenae in Exobrandae. The total number of glochidia in the gravid female mussel is estimated to be 1.349 to 4.021 million for a single egg release event. Based on female gravidity and the ovary tissue sections, we confirmed that S. oleivora could release eggs several times in one reproductive cycle. There were no significant differences in the growth of males and females. The development of the ovary and spermary were synchronous and can be divided into the proliferating, growing, maturing, releasing, and recovering stages. Histological sectioning and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the oocytes are linked to the follicular wall through a stalk approximately 5 μm in diameter. There was no cell membrane on the surface of early oocytes < 20 μm in diameter, but a yolk-membrane was observed on the surface of late oocytes when the diameter was > 40 μm. SEM showed that the sperm had a long flagella (~40 μm long) and a bullet head and neck with a maximum width of~2 μm. There was a round micropyle (1 μm in diameter) on the surface of the fertilized egg, suggesting that sperm cannot completely enter the oocyte for fertilization. The results of this study provide a foundation for the artificial breeding of this mussel species in China and serve as an important reference for the breeding and conservation of other threatened or endangered freshwater mussels.


闻海波, 孙光兴, 丁图强, 吕国华, 徐跑, 马学艳, 徐东坡, 王林, 张呈祥, 霍礼辉, 金武, 华丹, 顾若波.淮河橄榄蛏蚌繁殖类型与性腺发育观察[J].中国水产科学,2020,27(10):1156-1166
WEN Haibo, SUN Guangxing, DING Tuqiang, LYU Guohua, XU Pao, MA Xueyan, XU Dongpo, WANG Lin, ZHANG Chengxiang, HUO Lihui, JIN Wu, HUA Dan, GU Ruobo. Reproductive type and gonad development in the threatened freshwater mussel Solenaia oleivora (Heude) from the Huaihe River[J]. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China,2020,27(10):1156-1166

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  • 收稿日期:2020-02-17
  • 最后修改日期:2020-03-08
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  • 在线发布日期: 2020-10-20
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