






国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0900803); 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)人才团队引进重大专项(GML2019ZD0605); 农业农村部财政专项(NFZX2018); 中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费项目(2020TD16); 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2021SD04, 2019TS28).

Species composition characteristics analysis of Qilianyu reef fishes of Xisha Islands

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    为了更好地了解和保护西沙群岛七连屿珊瑚礁生态系统和珊瑚礁鱼类, 本研究综合 2018—2020 年的调查结果及历史资料表明, 七连屿珊瑚礁海域目前共发现珊瑚礁鱼类 315 种, 区域物种密度为 12.6 种/km2 。七连屿珊瑚礁鱼类隶属于 12 目 49 科, 以鲈形目(Perciformes)鱼类最多, 占总种类数的 79.05%; 其中 28 科鱼类(加上未发现的小带鳚科, 这 29 科鱼类组成了印度太平洋珊瑚礁鱼类的大部分物种)占总物种数的 89.52%。从科级层面对南海岛礁鱼类聚类分析表明, 七连屿珊瑚礁鱼类与越南近岸三个珊瑚礁岛鱼类相似度最高。七连屿珊瑚礁鱼类以小型鱼类最多, 占总种类数的 49.04%; 其次是中型鱼类, 为 31.09%; 大型鱼类占比仅为 19.87%。从食性类型来看, 肉食性鱼类最多, 为 163 种; 其次是杂食性鱼类, 91 种; 植食性鱼类最少, 61 种。与历史研究比较, 共有 37 种鱼类近年未发现, 以肉食性最多, 且大型鱼类全为肉食性鱼类, 表明七连屿珊瑚礁鱼类正遭受过度捕捞; 小型鱼类高达 66.57%, 这些大部分属于雀鲷科(Pomacentroidae), 蝴蝶鱼科(Chaetodontidae)及隆头鱼科(Labridae)鱼类, 均为对珊瑚礁依赖程度高的鱼类, 表明七连屿珊瑚礁生态系统呈现显著衰退现象。因此保护七连屿珊瑚礁鱼类资源, 不仅要控制捕捞强度, 同时还要保护好这一独特的珊瑚礁栖息生境。


    Coral reef ecosystems harbor the highest biodiversity of all marine ecosystems and are known as the “tropical rainforests in the ocean.” Fish biodiversity in coral reef ecosystems is extremely rich, as high as 1/3 of the total number of marine fishes. Importantly, reef ?shes are the major source of protein for many island nations and account for approximately 10% of the global ?sheries catch. Fish are an important part of coral reefs and an essential part of maintaining the health of coral reefs. Coral reef ecosystems provide habitat and the primary food sources for coral reef fishes. At present, the coral reef ecosystem off the coast of the South China Sea is experiencing a significant decline, fishery resources are under a serious threat, and catches have decreased significantly. To better understand and protect the coral reef ecosystem and fishes in the Qilian reef of Xisha Islands, we conducted comprehensive surveys from 2018 to 2020. Historical data showed that 315 fish species were found in Qilianyu Island, belonging to 49 families and 12 orders. Perciformes was the largest, accounting for 79.05%. A large number of fish species in Indo-Pacific coral reefs were composed of 29 families. In our survey, except for Microdesmidae, which was not found in this study, other 28 families were recorded and accounted for 89.52% of the total number of species. The results supported the classic theory of the high connectivity of coral reef fish. The cluster analysis of fishes on the reefs of the South China Sea at the family level showed that the coral reef fishes of Qilianyu were the most similar to the fishes of the three offshore reef islands in Vietnam. Overall, small fishes were the most abundant, accounting for 49.04%, followed by medium-sized fishes with 31.09%, and large-sized fishes with only 19.87%. Regarding food types, carnivorous fish were the most abundant with 163 species, followed by omnivorous fish with 91 species and herbivorous fish were the least with 61 species. A total of 37 fish species, mostly carnivorous species, were not found in recent years compared with the historical research data. Furthermore, large fishes were all carnivorous, indicating that the Qilianyu coral reef fishes are being overfished. The number of small fishes was as high as 66.57%, and most of these fish belonged to Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae, and Labridae, which were all highly dependent on coral reefs, indicating a significant decline in the Qilianyu coral reef ecosystem. According to the number of coral species, it can be inferred that the number of fish species in the Qilianyu coral reef area would be 400 or more, indicating a rich fish diversity. However, nearly 100 species were not recorded in recent surveys, further indicating that the coral reef ecosystem has been severely disturbed by human and has declined. At present, the coral reef ecosystem of Qilianyu has been greatly affected by human activities, especially overfishing, which has led to an instability of the coral reef ecosystem. Therefore, protecting Qilianyu coral reef fish resources requires the control of fishing intensity and protection of this unique coral reef habitat.


WANG Teng, LIU Yong, QUAN Qiumei, XIAO Yayuan, WU Peng, LI Chunhou. Species composition characteristics analysis of Qilianyu reef fishes of Xisha Islands[J]. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China,2022,29(1):102-117

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-01-27
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