






国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0900905); 农业农村部财政项目“海洋牧场示范区效果评估”; 山东长岛近海渔业资源国家野外科学观测研究站和山东省泰山学者工程专项.

Effect of prolonged summer fishing moratorium on fisheries conservation in Bohai Sea

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    基于 2012?2016 年和 2017?2021 年每年 8 月渤海渔业资源底拖网调查数据, 根据休渔期延长前后各 5 年游泳生物优势种, 主要渔业种群(类别)单位个体重和资源密度等指标的变化, 从个体、种群与群落 3 方面评价延长伏季休渔期对渤海渔业资源的养护效果。结果显示: (1) 休渔期延长前游泳生物年间平均单位数量个体重为 4.35 g/ind, 延长后为 3.77 g/ind; 延长后年间平均单位数量个体重的下降, 主要是大部分种群的年平均数量密度增幅远高于其年平均资源密度增幅, 补充群体数量增加明显, 可能是繁殖亲体资源量增加或繁殖力提升所致。(2) 延长休渔期后的前期游泳生物优势种主要是鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)和黄鲫(Setipinna taty), 与延长前基本一致, 后期增加了蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)和矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaemrichthys stigmatias)等种类, 但出现频率低; 延长休渔期前后游泳生物优势种组成波动较大, 但延长后游泳生物优势种存在向大个体及凶猛性高营养级种类转换的趋势。(3) 休渔期延长后游泳生物、中上层鱼类、底层鱼和虾蟹类等年度资源密度普遍高于延长前, 特别是延长当年更远高于上年, 年间平均资源密度延长后较延长前增幅分别为 186.38%、178.26%、357.63%和 132.89%; 底层生物对中上层生物资源密度年度占比延长后基本处于增长态势; 高营养级层次生物资源密度延长后剧增, 且基本呈上升趋势, 年间平均增幅达 493.67%。综上所述, 延长休渔期后渤海生态系统鳀等中上层鱼类、 底层生物和高低营养级生物资源密度及其补充群体资源量的大幅增加, 夯实了生态系统的能量基础, 优化了渔业资源群落结构, 生态系统逐步稳态演替, 表明延长休渔期这种投入控制措施在渤海有较好的生态效果。


    We evaluated the effect of prolonged summer fishing moratorium on the conservation of fishery resources in Bohai Sea from three perspectives (individual, population, and community) by analyzing the dominant species of nekton, the individual mean body weight, and fisheries resources index of nekton and some main fishery populations or biological categories. Data was collected during trawl surveys in August 2012–2016 and 2017–2021, representing the former and prolonged summer fishing moratorium, respectively. The results showed that the individual mean body weight of nekton in the former fishing moratorium was higher than that in prolonged summer fishing moratorium (4.35 g/ind and 3.77 g/ind, respectively). The individual mean body weight of nekton in the prolonged fishing moratorium decreased, mainly as a result of the annual average density of the populations increasing compared to their annual average resource density, indicating that both the number of complementary populations and the fertility of the parents increased significantly. The dominant species of nekton in the early stage of the prolonged fishing moratorium were Engraulis. japonicus, Oratosquilla oratoria, and Setipinna taty, similar to those in the former fishing moratorium. However, several new dominant species appeared in the later stage of the prolonged fishing moratorium, with a low occurrence frequency and a high annual variation. In general, the dominant species composition of nekton fluctuated greatly throughout the whole fishing moratorium. Meanwhile, body size and the trophic level of dominant species in the prolonged fishing moratorium showed an increasing trend. The annual biomass of nekton, pelagic fish, demersal fish, and crustaceans in the prolonged fishing moratorium were generally higher than those in the former fishing moratorium, especially in the first year. However, the biomass of all of the above biological categories in certain years in the prolonged fishing moratorium were lower than those in the corresponding years of the former fishing moratorium. The annual average biomass of the above biological categories in the prolonged fishing moratorium increased by 186.38%, 178.26%, 357.63%, and 132.89%, respectively. The annual biomass ratio of the bottom to middle and upper organisms in the prolonged fishing moratorium was larger than that in the former fishing moratorium, with an interannual increasing trend. The biomass of higher trophic level organisms remained low in the former fishing moratorium but increased sharply in the prolonged fishing moratorium, showing an increasing trend, with an average annual increase of 493.67% compared with that in the former fishing moratorium. In conclusion, the biomass of both lower and higher organisms in the ecosystem of Bohai Sea in the prolonged fishing moratorium was found to increase significantly, consolidating the energy foundation of the ecosystem, optimizing the community structure of fishery resources, and gradually stabilizing the succession of the ecosystem. These findings indicate that the input control measures of the prolonged fishing moratorium had a beneficial ecological effect in the Bohai Sea.


LI Zhongyi, DAI Fangqun, YANG Tao, SHAN Xiujuan, JIN Xianshi. Effect of prolonged summer fishing moratorium on fisheries conservation in Bohai Sea[J]. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China,2022,29(10):1510-1518

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-31
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