
1.中国海洋大学水产学院, 山东 青岛 266003 ; 2.青岛海洋科技中心, 海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室, 山东 青岛 266237 ; 3.海州湾渔业生态系统教育部野外科学观测研究站, 山东 青岛 266003 ; 4.青岛市海洋管理保障中心, 山东 青岛 266000








Effects of sampling designs on estimation of biomass size spectra parameters of fish communities

1.College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003 , China ; 2.Laboratory for Marine Fisheries Science and Food Production Processes, Qingdao Marine Science and Technology Center, Qingdao 266237 , China ; 3.Field Observation and Research Station of Haizhou Bay Fishery Ecosystem, Ministry of Education, Qingdao 266003 , China ; 4.Qingdao Marine Management and Guarantee Center, Qingdao 266000 , China

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    为了查明采样设计对鱼类群落标准化生物量粒径谱参数估计的影响, 本研究根据2016—2017年山东半岛南部海域渔业资源底拖网季度调查数据, 采用计算机模拟重抽样方法, 选取简单随机采样(SRS)、基于水深的分层随机采样(StRS_depth)和基于粒径的分层随机采样(StRS_size)作为备选抽样方法, 以5为样本量间隔设置了5~60个调查站位, 采用相对估计误差(REE)和相对偏差(RB)评价了不同采样方法和样本量对鱼类群落标准化生物量粒径谱斜率估计的影响。结果表明, 在3种采样方法下, 鱼类群落标准化生物量粒径谱斜率的相对估计误差均随着样本量增加而逐渐减小。随着样本量增加, RB值绝对值的变化范围逐渐减少, 并逐渐趋近于0。3种采样方法下, 随着样本量增加, 鱼类群落标准化生物量粒径谱斜率模拟值的分布愈加集中, 估计精确度提高。与其他两种采样方法相比, 基于粒径的分层随机采样方法表现更好, 其参数斜率估计值的REE值与RB值绝对值较低。不同季节数据对鱼类群落标准化生物量粒径谱斜率估计的影响不同。综合3种采样方法下4个季节不同样本量的采样效果看, 基于粒径的分层随机采样设计为鱼类群落生物量粒径谱参数估计的最优采样方法, 且调查站位数可适当优化。


    The size spectra of fish communities can reflect the characteristics of their biomass, abundance, and size structure, and these parameters can be used to explore the effects of environmental changes and human disturbance on the ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to construct reasonable size spectra of fish communities to study their community structures. However, there are differences in the quantity and quality of data collected from different survey designs, which further affects the construction of the size spectra of fish communities. This simulation study examined the effects of sampling design on the estimation of parameters of normalized biomass size spectra of fish communities using a computer resampling method based on data collected from seasonal bottom trawl surveys in the southern waters off the Shandong Peninsula from 2016 to 2017. Simple random sampling (SRS), stratified random sampling with strata defined by depth (StRS_depth), and stratified random sampling with strata defined by size (StRS_size) were chosen as potential sampling designs for sample sizes ranging from 5 to 60. The relative estimation error (REE) and relative deviation (RB) were used to measure the performance of the different sampling designs. The results showed that under the three sampling methods, REE values of the slopes of the normalized biomass size spectra of the fish communities decreased with an increase in the sample size. As the sample size increased, the range of absolute values of RB decreased and gradually approached zero. Under the three sampling methods, the distribution of simulated values of the slopes of the normalized biomass size spectra of fish communities became more concentrated, and the estimation accuracy improved with an increase in sample size. StRS_size performed better compared with those of the other two sampling methods, which had lower REE and absolute RB values. In addition, different seasonal data showed different effects on the slope estimation of the normalized biomass size spectra of fish communities. Considering the sampling effects of different sample sizes during the four seasons under the three sampling methods, StRS_size was the optimal sampling method suitable for the estimation of biomass size spectra parameters of fish communities, and the number of sampling stations could be optimized.


QU Yaoqi, WANG Peng, MA Yihong, LI Yingdong, YANG Shicheng, REN Yiping, XU Binduo. Effects of sampling designs on estimation of biomass size spectra parameters of fish communities[J]. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China,2024,31(10):1240-1248

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-23
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-02
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